Agility and fitness are two standard demands in our day-to-day lives, particularly for elderly people and when you get older. Workouts always play an important role in maintaining your overall health, keeping fit, and being dynamic. Nevertheless, with age, the limitations of our bodies tend to accelerate, and many of you have a few choices to keep yourselves in charming shape.

Adding to the epidemic period, it makes everyone close their doors, limiting access to local gyms and parks. In such circumstances, home workouts will be the best selection. Having gear, particularly exercise equipment for seniors, in the house might support the idea of a home workout.

Types of exercise equipment and machines for seniors

The home gym is not only awesome for young people but also for seniors, as many of you could find any workout machines or equipment you might need. Packed with machines or pieces of apparatus for specific muscle groups, free weights, and cardio machines, for instance, the home gym has eclectic gear at your disposal.

Cardio machines

Cardio machines (like rowers, treadmills, and ellipticals) enable you to derive all the benefits of full-body workouts while performing. A machine involves you pulling the handles toward the body and spreading your legs in motion. These workout units help you exercise and select the right intensity.

Balance trainers

Balance trainers are known as balance boards. Made of cushion, they strengthen your muscle groups and avoid balance issues. These pieces of equipment could be used in balance workouts or combined with cardio exercises. With eclectic balance trainers or balance boards on the market, you can select the right ones according to your weight, fitness level, overall health, and age.

Stability balls

Stability balls are exercise balls that support your body and improve your core strength. These balls could also be used as a replacement for chairs, as they inspire your muscles to work and enhance your balance.

Generally speaking, a stability ball may become an exercise tool for seniors and those who need to recover their physique. The ball provides versatility, flexibility, and a circular shape at once. Moreover, the ball helps seniors change their posture by sitting or rolling on it. Elderly people also use these balls to practice leg lifts and gentle crunches.

Wrist weights

Wrist weights are small weights that are covered around your wrist or ankles. They typically weigh less than 3 pounds. For seniors with difficulty gripping heavy weights, wrist weights are a tremendous alternative to dumbbells. The target of wrist weights is to improve resistance and circulate your heart rate via simple aerobic workouts.

Indoor exercise bikes

Indoor exercise bikes are great workout units that offer reclining support and upright riding positions. These bikes are incredible options for seniors who usually relish watching TV shows on their smart devices while also getting suitable workout categories. With an indoor bicycle, you have the right support to practice other tasks when riding in a spot.

These bikes are used to perform lower body exercises such as quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. They place less strain on your body, and you could monitor settings or resistance levels. If you tend to lose steam, you could combine stamina with indoor bikes and change settings to your liking.

Lat pull-down machines

Lat pull-down machines are the kind of exercise equipment that uses pulley systems to improve muscles in your upper body, arms, back, shoulders, and triceps. This is a fabulous fitness unit for dynamic seniors who would like to get more workouts and strengthen their muscles.

These machines are beneficial for older adults, as many of you can practice back muscles and helpful upper-body exercises. Furthermore, since these pieces of fitness equipment are utilized when seated, lat pull-downs are known as low-impact gears.

for older adults, as many of you can practice back muscles and helpful upper-body exercises. Furthermore, since these pieces of fitness equipment are utilized when seated, lat pull-downs are known as low-impact gears.

Yoga mats

Yoga is an excellent workout for seniors, and you can use yoga mats to stay focused on floor exercises without adding pressure to your joints. With a slip-free yoga mat, you ought to try crunches, tree poses, squats, planks, backward bends, ab workouts, etc.

Foam rollers

Foam rollers are big, cylindrical foam tubes that you might use to increase versatility. At the same time, you relieve soreness or tightness in your body. Foam rollers possibly make many effective workouts for seniors in the back and shoulders (or muscle aches).

If you are in the recovery phase or are finding a method to reduce the stiffness in joints and the back, foam rollers probably become a useful solution. Use the foam rollers as warm-up tools before starting your main workout sessions.

Resistance bands or resistance tubes

Resistance bands are simply elastic bands that you can utilize to exercise certain body parts, like your arms and legs. Resistance tubes are similar tools to free weights, meaning that you could attempt different muscle-building workouts to enhance muscle tone.

Furthermore, you probably use them to do flexibility exercises. By combining resistance bands with a weight bench, it is possible to do a conventional bench press through resistance bands.

Under-desk pedal exerciser

The under-desk pedal exerciser is digital workout equipment that possibly shows burned calories, used time, and revolutions per minute. The size and shape are flexible and small enough to help you place it on a tabletop as a compact rower.

For individuals who might need to do low-impact exercises for arms at home or in the office, these digital fitness machines are a great option. On average, a medium machine might burn about 100 calories a day. For 5 days a week, for instance, you will cut down 500 calories.

Step benchs

A step bench is an elevated bench or a workout platform that enables older adults to exercise aerobics or try stepping workouts. The apparatus for seniors has different heights, so you could change the ideal scope of movement.

For elderly people who have arthritis, it could be painful to use a step bench. Thus, you should consult the doctor in advance. If you decide to use the equipment, you need to combine a chair for balance.

Hand grippers

Hand grippers can build strength in elderly people’s hands and fingers. These pieces of exercise equipment for seniors increase their dexterity. The apparatus contains two handles so that you can place them in one hand and squeeze. When practicing like this, the tool strengthens your grip and hand muscles.

Energy and strength wheels

You might have seen conventional tai chi spinners at a local playground. Like these, energy and strength wheels are uncomplicated to use, and they offer huge benefits that you do not want to miss. Apart from fitness gear, it is really fun to move and get a full range of motion. A point that seniors lose when they do not use those muscles frequently.

What to look for in the best exercise equipment for seniors

When thinking of exercise equipment for seniors at home gyms, there are various factors such as your fitness targets, available training space, budget, weather, and environment.

Training purpose and fitness goals

When buying fitness equipment, it is vital to notice the categories of exercises that you enjoy and practice, as well as the most suitable equipment for your current health and mobility level.

Moreover, you need to take into account a couple of factors, whether you select a cardio machine, a recumbent bike, an elliptical, etc. Meanwhile, resistance bands and wrist weights are good ideas for maintaining muscle strength. Aside from resistance bands, free weights are simple to perform for older adults.

For balance and stability exercises, stability balls and yoga mats are popular choices. They are relatively reasonable in price and can be combined for cardio exercises or strength training.

Workout space

Because some gym equipment takes up a lot of space, you will need to measure your fitness areas to make sure that the exercise equipment fits. If your training space is limited, you will think of yoga mats. This is because these help you perform an array of workouts—strength, balance, and cardio programs. Some brands offer foldable models, so your workout space is still large and wide enough.

Available budget

Well, you will want to determine how much you can invest in exercise equipment. Please keep in mind that you do not have to purchase expensive machines to improve your health. More importantly, consider high-tech features in the fitness apparatus. Do you need them? Can you use all of them? Some of the gear could offer effective workouts based on your body weight.

Safety first

Consult your doctor or practitioner before kicking off your training session. He or she will help you make a true workout plan that is ideal for you.

At the same time, you should talk about any health problems you get, how fit you are, and your concern about an injury to the body. When having an exercise plan, ease your training routine and call your doctor immediately if you have issues or pains.

  • Joint pain
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Headache

Ease of operation and use

The exercise apparatus that you would like to buy should be simple to install without any confusing points. If the machine requires an assembly task, make sure that the instructions are clear. Read the manual or watch instructional videos to learn how to use the equipment the right way.

10 best workout machines and equipment for elderly people

For seniors and people with disabilities, exercise plays an important role in their health. However, this task is not easy (even too difficult). The good news is that exercise equipment for seniors will help them.

Some of the apparatus, such as home gyms, free weights, wrist weights, and resistance bands, are popular options for them. They can use these pieces of equipment while seated or in a wheelchair to get the best conditions.

1. Sunny Health & Fitness Walking Treadmill

Sunny Health & Fitness Walking Treadmill

Sunny Health & Fitness walking treadmills are made for those who are convalescing and need to be careful in their workouts. As exercise equipment for seniors and young adults with health problems, it features a low-lying deck and shock absorption that does not put pressure on the joints when exercising.

The digital monitor on the front supports you to check calories, speed, time, covered distance, mode, etc., and the padded handrails prevent slipping with additional assistance.

A 2.5-peak-horsepower motor scales up a speed range from 0.6 to 5 mph. This is one of the most incredible pieces of home exercise equipment for both elderly and young people. Please bear in mind that the maximum speed of the machine is capped at 5mph, meaning that you should use it for light jogging and walking only.


  • Heavy-duty construction
  • Extensive handlebars
  • Non-slip running surface and safety rails
  • Transportation wheels
  • Strong digital monitor
  • Low running deck
  • Emergency stop clip
  • Floor stabilizers


  • Tricky self-installation process
  • No fancy features

2. Crown Sports Exercise Mat

Crown Sports Exercise Mat

As a cloud yoga mat, the Crown sports exercise mat will help you take any pose comfortably. Made from high-density and 1-inch cushioned foam, the mat may become a great choice for any of you. The gripping ridges ensure that the mat surface does not slip and slide. The structure is long, providing extra padding for aching joints. It comes in 4 colors, and you can select your favorites, such as black, blue, red, and pink.

Working out on surfaces with high levels of shock absorption is crucial for your joints and overall health. Unluckily, the floor for home gyms could be hard to come by at the house, the gym, and even outside.

Additional cushions and high-density surfaces offer you fabulous protection for your hands, wrists, elbows, hips, knees, and back that most home gym floors do not have. The extra cushion is not only outstanding for safely strengthening joints but also avoiding possible injuries and depressing widespread pains suffered by exercises.


  • Good material (foam) with slip-proof
  • Beautiful in color and soft enough
  • Extra-large length
  • Thick enough with additional cushion padding
  • Sweat-resistance included


  • Lack of breathable elements in the surface
  • Too mushy
  • No resist damage elements

3. DeskCycle Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser

DeskCycle Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser

Are you afraid of sitting in the office all day? Do not worry about it anymore, as the DeskCycle pedal exerciser enables you to work out anytime and anywhere. As portable sitting exercise equipment for seniors, it provides eight resistance settings. In other words, you can change the level in order to fit your physique.

Additionally, the apparatus matches your desk and becomes a mini workout unit while doing other things. Do your daily tasks and improve your overall health. Is it a fantastic idea?

The bi-directional pedals feature Velcro straps so that you can adjust the length and comfort. A removable LCD has six functions to help you pay attention to your speed, time, heart rate, and calories burned. Whether you use the pedal exerciser for rehabilitation or any specific fitness purpose, it is suitable for both the elderly and young people.


  • Adjustable straps
  • Precision machined elements
  • Stay-flat pedals for sliding and maintenance-free pedaling
  • Magnetic resistance system
  • 40-pound resistance
  • 8 resistance levels
  • A large 5-function LCD display
  • Ease of set up and use
  • Bi-directional pedals
  • Quiet motion
  • Proper flywheel
  • No maintenance


  • Wear-and-tear pedals (due to improper threading)
  • A little heavy in the weight
  • A little big construction

4. 3G Cardio Elite Runner Treadmill

3G Cardio Elite Runner Treadmill

The 3G cardio elite runner treadmill has a solid and heavy-duty frame for walkers and runners. Furthermore, the unit contains a low deck height of 4.5 inches and an orthopedic belt, helping seniors and people with limited mobility practice daily.

The speed could possibly scale up to 12 mph, and the incline could be adjusted from 0 to 15%, offering wide-ranging training levels for individuals with different physiques.

The treadmill also has plenty of preprogrammed workouts and fitness tests to help you track your progress and plan your training sessions. These two parts are not easy to do. The digital display, on the other hand, probably indicates speed, distance, burned calories, heart rate, and distance—thanks to the built-in sensors in the handlebars.

In general, this is a well-made and versatile workout machine for everyone. Nonetheless, the price is a little expensive, and the equipment does not have an integrated touch screen for taking part in streaming classes, which could be two downsides for some.


  • Lifetime frame warranty, 10-year parts, and 2-year in-home labor
  • Full commercial-grade and high-end components
  • Built-in programs with numerous pre-programmed courses
  • 1-touch speed
  • Elevation settings
  • Soft orthopedic belt
  • 15% maximum incline
  • 400 pounds of maximum user weight
  • Built-in speakers and audio iPhone/MP3 connections
  • Elite Runner console with entertainment features (can be connected to smart devices)
  • Quick-access panel with start and emergency stop switches
  • No deck flex


  • No way to save profiles
  • No cool down button
  • Weak fan
  • A bit pricey
  • No integrated touch screen

5. Bosu Balance Trainer

Bosu Balance Trainer

Loss of balance with seniors is possibly a common problem, but it will not be a certain thing with the Bosu Home balance trainer. It makes your low-impact workouts more interesting, challenging, and fun as you practice how to move on a dynamic surface.

People also call a Bosu trainer a half ball; it supports many of you in performing exercises such as muscle strength building, cardio workouts, bodyweight and flexibility exercises, and endurance practice.

For older adults, the half ball helps them with the maximum 300-pound weight, so they do not fear accidents or injuries when touching and stepping inside. It also comes with a hand pump and a downloadable manual, so you can use it without installation.


  • Could be used in different workouts.
  • Made in US
  • Balance improvement
  • Ease of moving with control
  • Maximum 300 pounds of user weights
  • Various colors


  • Quickly deflate
  • Not solid construction
  • Difficult use in the pump

6. Merax Foldable Magnetic Rower

Merax Foldable Magnetic Rower

The Merax foldable magnetic rower features a big cushioned seat, and the seat is higher than other typical rowing machines. As a low-impact body workout unit, elderly people can relish the session with a real calorie burner.

The handles are covered with foam to protect your hands, and big Velcro straps secure your motions in place during the training. In the magnetic rower, you could track your progress on the monitor, and the railing might be adjusted for your height. The foldable feature is a big plus in the equipment, as you can fold it up and place the apparatus in your sight.


  • Quiet and smooth motion
  • A large LCD display
  • Non-slip pedals and straps
  • 14 magnetic resistance settings
  • Foldable fitness apparatus
  • Transportation wheels
  • Floor stabilizers
  • Non-slip handlebar and nylon rope
  • Soft and beautiful seat


  • There is no stroke rate tracking on the display.
  • Not solid plastic feet in the pedal

7. JEEKEE Recumbent Exercise Bike for Adults and Seniors

JEEKEE Recumbent Exercise Bike for Adults and Seniors

A high-quality recumbent exercise bike is vital for adults, seniors, obese women, pregnant women, and those with knee or waist injuries. JEEKEE is a suitable indoor bike for those people.

Your home workouts will seem as simple as a cloud with JEEKEE. With a long structure, the exercise equipment for seniors can balance their movement. Thanks to the nine seat positions, you could change the height range to fit your height (between 4.9 and 6.5 inches). 8 neodymium magnets improve the resistance of the pedaling, making it a smooth and quiet exercise bike in your house or office.

A big seat and backrest help your spine and tailbone prevent strains and other injuries. The design may create endurance and strength at the same time while increasing the blood circulation feature and keeping your joints pain-free. You might also check your workout results by using the LCD display screen.


  • Ease of use and move
  • Smooth and whisper-quiet motion with 8 neodymium magnets
  • Reasonable price tag
  • Stable pedaling
  • Ergonomic design with stylish colors
  • Video holder in the display
  • 8-level magnetic resistance
  • Multi-function monitor
  • Adjustable pedal straps
  • Pulse grip
  • 9 positions seat adjustment
  • Lightweight enough in the structure


  • Too close pedals to the floor
  • A bit hard assembly

8. LifePro Under Desk Elliptical

LifePro Under Desk Elliptical

As usual, convenience is key when you exercise at home, and the LifePro FlexStride elliptical trainer can provide that. As a compact leg exercise machine for everyone, especially seniors, it allows you to transport it anywhere with ease.

8 resistance levels can meet your fitness demands, such as calories burned, metabolism improvement, blood circulation, and lymphatic drainage. After a session, you should track all rates on the LCD monitor to make sure that you are on the right path.


  • 8 resistance settings
  • Many free add-ons
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Full features of tracking a fitness session
  • Ease of set up and use
  • Smooth pedaling
  • Wide non-slip pedals
  • LCD display monitor
  • Compact, convenient, and portable elliptical


  • Not secure while pedaling (your feet can slip away).
  • It is a bit difficult to connect to and use the app.

9. Healthy Seniors Chair Exercise Program

Healthy Seniors Chair Exercise Program

The Healthy Seniors’ chair exercise program provides you with a true set of resistance bands for specific therapy and ordinary workouts. Made and developed by a physical therapist, this is a great piece of exercise equipment for seniors and rehab people.

A box of the chair-based workout includes an exercise guide booklet, an array of handles for better grip, and a set of resistance bands. Someone can build strength, stability, and flexibility at their own comfort through the low-intensity apparatus or the medium-intensity band.

Whether seniors want to do Pilates, a slight warm-up, yoga, common workouts, a recovery training program, or therapy sessions, the upper-body exercise gear might support you to practice all while sitting on a chair.


  • Ease of use and safe control
  • Low-impact workout equipment
  • Handles included
  • Multi-purpose equipment for seniors
  • Exercise booklet given
  • It could be a nice gift for elderly people.


  • Wear-and-tear bands after long-term use
  • Lack of various workouts (only 8)

10. LANOS Workout Bike for Home

LANOS Workout Bike for Home

Doing exercises in the comfort of your house is always easy, especially with Lano’s workout bike. As a 2-in-1 recumbent bike, it provides 10 magnetic resistance settings for you to change your fitness level. An LCD display is a big plus feature for seniors who need to track all consequences after a fitness session.

In the pack, you can find a manual and an instructional video to help you complete the assembly game without much hassle. Due to its compact and lightweight design, you can carry the bike anywhere that you want. Improve your fitness level without causing disturbance to others!


  • Unbeatable price
  • 2-in-1 folding exercise bike
  • Space-saving design
  • Built-in LCD monitor display
  • Ultra-quiet pedaling
  • Ease of assemble and customize
  • Portable and convenient exercise bike at home gyms


  • A bit reclining in the seat back
  • It was not easy to use the screen at first.

Final thought

Establishing exercise equipment for seniors at home is valuable for them as they can practice based on their will and wishes without going outside of their comfort areas. At the same time, they probably track their progress and adjust their routine when necessary. They can plan a suitable training program with their doctors or therapists.